Wednesday, 31 March 2021

DFI - Week 8

Computational Thinking

Our introduction into computational thinking and using coding programmes made for some interesting, albeit some slightly frustrating learning today.  

Vicki gave everyone alot to think about with the moral and ethics that surround digital development and use.  It certainly gave me food for thought and the ethics modelling software made available was undoubtly confronting.  What would we choose?  What will we choose? ...  Technological advances are mindblowing and once upon a time the thought of a thinking, learning robot, like Sofia, was stuff of movies, really does indicate that the skys the limit!  As educators we certainly need to equip our tamariki with the skills to not only keep up with technology advances but be part of the technological 21st century innovators.  Aren't we lucky to part of a Manaiakalani community where people like Pat Sneddon and Dorothy Burt could see the writing on the wall and through what I can only imagine to be dogged determination set about to equip our students with the knowledge and skills needed for a technologically focussed future?

I enjoyed re-visiting our new digital technologies curriculum and took heart that within my year 5/6 class, we are giving our students opportunities to demonstrate their computational thinking using an unplugged coding experience.  I enjoyed watching the teachers from Manaiakalani on air share their coding classroom teaching.  This allowed time for me to think about the applicability of their lessons with my own students. 

However, when it became my turn to create using Scratch, I realised that practice clearly was the only way forward to familiarise with how to coordinate the movements of a sprite.   It was handy to know that the grid background would allow me to see and set the coordinates of the blue movement coding block successfully.  Instead of my sprite dissappearing off the background, I was able to use the grid to help me position my sprite more accurately.  Here is the little 10 block (really 11 block) challenge I completed.  My best beginning Scratch effort to date.  I can only keep getting better right!

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

DFI - Week 7

Exploring Devices

 Kia ora, 

Today was all about putting ourselves into our students shoes and trialling the digital devices, tools and extensions they are using daily within our classrooms.  

As a regular Chromebook user, I was grateful for the opportunity to learn a number of shortcuts unbeknown to me.  I will certainly be using the shortcut to restore my screen to 100%, thank you to Maria Krausse, our DFI bubble co-ordinater extraordinaire.

It was enjoyable to reconnect with Explain Everything.  This I-pad app was once a staple for me as a TA creating learning opportunities for students.  It has been a long time since creating using EE and it was nice to have an opportunity to re-familiarise myself with a fun, engaging programme.

As per each week, I look forward to Dorothy Burt's morning presentations about the Manaiakalani journey and pedegogy.  Thinking about the focus, today, of ubiquitous - anytime, anywhere, any pace - learning was a timely reminder of how we were able to harness ubiquitous learning and "keep calm and keep learning" while restricted to our Covid lockdown bubbles.  I was fortunate to be able to transform into the "Super Scientist" each week during lockdown and conduct follow along with me kitchen science mayhem with our Ohaeawai students all from the dining room table.  Did the kids engage? They sure did! All thanks to the power of ubiquitous learning.

Using extensions like Screencastify meant as teachers we could continue our teaching and students could retain uninterrupted learning while at home.  Using the Manaiakalani Cybersmart content, I have created a Screencastify of Cybersmart values.  Admittedly, I am hesitant and a little lost for the right words in parts, but did I find value in being able to re-create information in a new way - you bet.  Will I continue to practice creating and sharing using Screencastify, absolutely!

Thank you visiting my blog.  I love hearing from me so please leave a comment.

Nga mihi 

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

DFI - Week 6

Being Digitally Connected 

Dorothy Burt's words resonated with me as she spoke about empowering our students through the use of digital technoology.  I have to agree with Dorothy, we as educators and citizens of a modern, fast paced world can not underestimate the importance that being digitally connected can bolster our interactions with others, where once not so very long ago this was not an option, through the simple touch of a button, or a comment left on a blog post.  Empowerment of students through the use of digital technology could not have been more apparent than during our Covid nationwide lockdown a year ago.  The ability to stay connected with our students and their ability to learn, create and share through a Google site really has set the scene and highlighted the importance of having a visible, engaging, rewindable, navigable site easily accessible by our students and our communities.  With this in mind I set to try to enhance our existing class site, as part of our fabulous DFI learning today,  to ensure that our year 5/6 students at Ohaeawai Primary School, can access up to date, engaging, multi-modal learning with as few clicks as possible.  

If you have to time to look through our class site, I would really appreciate any feedback, pearls of wisdom that you can impart.
Nga mihi

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

DFI - Week 5

Creating a Multi-Modal Site

Today we learned the importance of using our sites as a dynamic, engaging, interactive way to hook in our learners.  The importance of creating a site, which includes a range of texts, videos, links can not be under estimated when trying to retain our learners ongoing interest and enthusiam for their own learni


Wednesday, 3 March 2021

DFI - Week 4

Dealing with Data

Today the DFI allowed us the opportunity to explore data; collecting, analyzing and presenting using three different google apps; Forms, MyMap and Sheets.  Using these applications highlighted the amazing way we as educators could record and analyse our class data.  The applicability for students is endless with regard to how they might utilise these applications to create and share their learning.   

Creating a chart using Julianna's Blog data - Point England School.

External Recognition

Google Certified Educator - Level 1 I did it!  My certificate for passing the Google Certified Educator Level 1.   I feel a great sense of s...